39 New Montgomery
San Francisco Bay Area, California 94105

Please RSVP: http://tinyurl.com/5bk2ts

Time for a mid MacWorld Tweet Up. San Francisco and visiting Twitter geeks are welcome to join us. We're excited to connect with old and new friends. There will be a cash bar and some awesome Griffin Technology giveaways.

Please only RSVP if you truly plan to attend. Thanks.

I look forward to meeting you.
Dave Delaney @griffintech / @davedelaney

Official Website: http://tinyurl.com/5bk2ts

Added by davedelaney on November 21, 2008



I've added this to http://upcoming.yahoo.com/group/3983/

Why is the facebook link no longer working? is this cancelled? Please let me know because I'd like to add it to various networks. adam@dailytechtalk.com


The event is still on. I'll check the Facebook link and revise it. Thanks.


Thanks Dave. i've added it to http://socialcalendario.com


Dave - I just got notified that the event was canceled (via facebook) - Please tell me it isn't - want to meet people out here!


It's not canceled. There should have been a message sent in Facebook to let you know about the new RSVP above. I had to change location.

Read this: http://blog.davemadethat.com/2008/12/08/a-crucial-tip-for-planning-events-using-facebook-pages/

Please let your friends know.