Founded in 2001 by Dr. Dee Spencer and directed by esteemed educator Paul Contos, the SFJAZZ High School All-Stars comprises 22 of the finest young Bay Area jazz musicians, annually selected by competitive audition. The ensemble has appeared at the San Francisco Jazz Festival, SFJAZZ Spring Season, Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Essentially Ellington Competition, and at concerts in top professional jazz clubs, festivals, museums, and community arts centers throughout California.
Legendary for its intimate concert room and 180 degree ocean views, it is 40 minutes from downtown San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Tickets at the door at 3 pm. Music starts at 4:30, goes to 7:30 with intermission. Open to the public with priority seating for members. Buffet and drinks available.
Official Website:
Added by bachsocietyhmb on February 28, 2011