Freebase is an open, creative-commons-licensed repository of structured data about over 12 million topics. All our data is available via our developer API and app development platform.
The Freebase meetups are a chance to learn about Freebase, hear some great talks about how people are using it, and hang out with other Freebase developers, data contributors, and community members.
The format for each meetup is generally three talks on various topics including open data, developing with Freebase, related projects, etc. We provide pizza and drinks at the start of the meetup, and talks start around 7pm.
For more information about the each specific meetup and the speaker line-up, see our Meetup page at
You need to RSVP at (as well as or instead of here on so we know numbers!
Official Website:
Added by KirrilyRobert on May 11, 2010