Join us for our first Bay Area flock meetup. Meet other Flock users and peeps from the company. We want to know what you like about Flock, what we can do better and what you want to see. Whether you use Flock already or just want to know more before you try it out, come on down!
We'll take care of appys and the first round of drinks :)
Official Website:
Added by Will Pate on August 23, 2006
Life's Better in the Bucket!
I'll be there - Representing Pbuckets!
Nick, you got it.
/me will buy Nick a round.. but only the 10th round :)
sfburtonator - to help you get there, I'll buy Nick his 9th round ;)
Have an awesome time, everyone! :)
Sorry guys - home with a flu bug, so going to miss this one. And Zero 7. And Burning Man. And....
Parking is awful in this area, btw. Take any spot you can get or don't take your car.
Will Pate
Update: it's at 7:00 PM