731 5th Avenue
San Diego, California 85016

Green Kegs and Hammered is taking over spots all over the city. Whether you just want to participant on one day or go all out with three, BarCrawls.com has a ticket option for every reveler!

Choose from a One Day Bar Crawl Registration Ticket or grab the 3-Day Bar Crawl Pass which allows you access to all three parties from Friday, March 15th - Sunday, March 17th! Choose wisely and purchase your tickets today, or you’ll be the one “green” with envy!

And don’t forget - PADDY FEST will be commencing as the official Bar Crawl After Party. The Paddy Fest All Access Ticket will grant you access to all three crawl days and the fest as well, the ultimate St. Paddy’s Weekend experience!

Official Website: http://www.barcrawls.com/sandiego

Added by Joonbug.com on February 5, 2013