Friday, September 4th
San Diego’s 1st Gospel Contest:
Sunday’s Blessed
Come, Worship, and have a great time with churches and individuals from around San Diego. Sing your favorite gospel song with your choir or even by yourself to win $100 to donate to your church ministries!!! This is a great way to come together from all different walks of life and showcase the beauty of San Diego Ministries! First Friday of Every Month
Connect the Dots Entertainment
2110 Hancock Street Suite 300, San Diego, Ca, 92110
Time: 7:00pm
Admission: $5 at the door
Contact the event team: 619.996.8908
ATTN: If you or someone you know would like to be featured in our showcase contact our event team at 619.996.8908 for a time slot for an audition!
Official Website:
Added by gadiseregassa on August 15, 2009