April 25, 2009 San Diego, California
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
(Registration at 8:00 AM)
USANA & Klemmer Super Saturday Featuring
Emerald Director Ladd McNamara, M.D.
1-Star Diamond Director Susan Waitley
Ruby Director Jay Lee
Learn About the Credibility of the USANABusinessOpportunity as well asthe Power of the USANA Products, and How Both Can Improve Your Life!
In the Afternoon (1 PM) theKlemmer & Associates'
Champions Workshop
How to Create a Large Amount of Change in Your Business, Relationships, or Personal Life Faster than YouMight on Your Own
The DoubleTree Hotel in Mission Valley(seeaddress and mapto the right)
Ronnie Doss, an entrepreneur, international speaker, and trainer, willpresent the "Champions Workshop." This powerful interactive programreveals the "Secret Formula of Champions;" A Million Dollar Formula! Learn how to create spectacular results, that is, a LARGE AMOUNT of CHANGE in a SHORT PERIOD of TIME. Whether it be your business, your relationships, or your personal goals,getwhat you want quicker than you thought possible.
(After the Champions Workshop, Dr. Ladd McNamara will beshow the potential of the USANA Compensation Plan, and how YOU can make this opportunity work for you. Read more about Dr. McNamara at www.laddmcnamara.com)
Find out why so many topleaders in USANA are recommending the Klemmer and Associates leadership and personal development program to their organizations.Thousands of people worldwide within USANA are usingthe Klemmer program tohelp them go further in theirbusiness and personal lives, and doing so in ashorter period of time than they would on their own.
Read more about the Champions Workshop, Personal Mastery, and Advanced Leadership Seminarat: www.klemmer.com.
See what some of the top USANA leaders have to say about the Klemmer & Assoc. personal development work, and how it can assist you in your life and in growing your USANA business:
"Because of the trust I have in Dr. McNamara, I attended the Champions Workshop a couple years ago in San Diego. I gained some valuable insights from Brian Klemmer that evening and decided to enroll in the Personal Mastery Weekend. My husband Richard and I attended Personal Mastery in Phoenix, Arizona shortly after we were married. I believe the communication techniques we learned during that weekend provided a solid foundation upon which to build an honest and vibrant relationship. We went on to attend the Advanced Course in San Francisco. What a wonderful week of growth we experienced. It wasn't always easy or even comfortable but I personally believe if you can change your mind you can change your life. Through the experiential processes I definitely learned how to change my mind and I believe my life is better as a result. The Klemmer workshops validated much of what I already knew to be true and also taught me skills I continue to use on a daily basis. I encourage anyone who has a desire to improve the quality of their relationships or a desire to increase their effectiveness in building their USANA business to attend the Champions Workshop. The Workshop will give you a brief but powerful peek behind the curtain of what Klemmer has to offer. At that point, I suggest you carefully consider the costs and the benefits. You will know whether or not the Klemmer courses are for you and you'll also know if the time is right for you to have that experience." - Collette Larsen, - 10-Star Diamond Director, San Diego, California
"Wehad the Champions Workshop and Personal Mastery Weekend in Orlando a few years ago. I totally supported this program because of my trust in Ladd.I saw that the principles taught in this leadership course if applied could help propel people in their USANA businesses. I attended the Personal Mastery weekend mostly to support my team, but I was amazed to discover how much I personally got out of the seminar, andI thought I had it all down already. This program can help you get what you want in USANA and in other areas of your life faster than you could on your own. I would encourage all of you to get to the Super Saturday on October 13th with Dr. Ladd and the Klemmer Champions Workshop and bring plenty of guests. Also, prepare yourselves to attend the Personal Mastery weekend in San Diego thatsecond weekend in November. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in yourself. It has helped so many people on my team build their businesses and bring more joy into their personal lives.I know that it can help so many of you whether you are newin USANA or whether you've been around for awhile; ...it can help you move!- Lynn Allen-Johnson, 5-Star Diamond Director, Altamonte Springs, Florida
"Creating massive change in your life in a short amountof time is what we all seek. Klemmer & Associates is a company that provides personal development training that absolutely delivers. Since becoming associated with this great company and going through their work, we have seen virtually every facet of our life significantly improved. From our personal life, marriage,relationships with family and friends, nothing has been left untouched. Our business has improved dramatically both financially, and from the enjoyment we get from watching others grow at a faster pace as they go through the work. This truly is the "missing link" if you're looking for that one thing in your life that can connect you to your dreams. Klemmer will give you the keys to unlock your potential in every area of your life, to be the person you've always wanted to be. Do not miss this opportunity to create greatness in your life, and in the lives of those around you." - TonyDaum, 2-StarDiamond Director
"I had been hearing for months about how countless Associates and top USANA Fortune 25 Leaders were experiencing new levels of "Revolutionary Transformation" in their USANA businesses, family, and other personal areas of their lives from attending training from Klemmer & Associates. I decided to check it out for myself and what I saw... was impressive. If you can no longer afford "poverty" or "less than adequate" relationships with others, make sure you do not miss out on the next Klemmer event." - Bryan Penrod, 2-Star Diamond Director, San Antonio, Texas
What I learned from my Klemmer experience is that in order to succeed in my business, I needed to change the way I think. Klemmer helped me make that shift. Not only has my business become successful, but all of the other areas of my life have also improved. Klemmer has given me the tools and direction I need to fulfill my lifes purpose and dreams and to really step into my greatness. I am eternally grateful for this life-changing training.- Viola Crebs, Gold Director, South Jordan, Utah
"It has been said over and over in our business "Work harder on yourself than anything else" I can honestly say that a big contributor to my recent success in USANA (Ruby Director) has been the personal growth work I have done over the last 2 years.. The Klemmer workshops were very valuable to me. Beginning with PERSONAL MASTERY Seminar,which I attended with my husband Mark. It was better than a marriage retreat weekend, .... the discovery about ourselves and how we relate to each other sent us into a new and exciting phase of our marriage. It's one thing to "read about," but truly a gift to "do" and experience through transformational learning. I continued on my own throughthe next 2 parts of the training leaving space for me to "practice" the skills I had learned before moving on.... Iexperienced a triple return on my investment ... Believe in yourself .... and the experts.... and DO IT!!!!" - Debra Lee Zickel, Ruby Director, San Diego, California
My wife and I attended the Klemmer Champions workshop and it was a very exciting and eye opening experience. I learned a lot but there was ONE thing thatwas said that night that causeda HUGE shift in my perspective that has since helped me handle my challenges from a more expanded and positive place. We were so impressed that weve continued on with other Klemmer workshops and as a result wecontinue to grow both in our personaland professional lives. I highly recommend these workshops to anyone whos interested in advancing in business and life.A Super Saturday that combines Dr. Ladd McNamara and the Klemmer workshop is a MUST ATTEND Event and a winning formula. Dr. McNamara educates the audience on the subject of USANA and through his medical expertise and research brings a great deal of credibility to the opportunity presented. Klemmer addresses the most important issue on the mind of every prospect, "can I do this?" The experience of the event indirectly addresses the objections most prospects have such as lack of time and money. - Majid Mokhbery,Diamond Director, San Diego, California
"I increased my Usana income by 50% the month after Personal Mastery, which was in January, and by March I had completed my first week of Ruby. I've been to a lot of trainings for church, business, marriage, and personal growth, and the Personal Mastery has made more of a difference in my life and business than all of the other trainings combined!"- Karen Spaulding,Ruby Director, Kalispell, MT
"A few years ago I was devastated by circumstances in my life. My USANA business, my personal life, my happiness had nearly slipped away. If it were not for the work I did with Klemmer and Associates I would not be enjoying the life that I have today.They gave me the tools I needed to get back on track. I learned to love and forgive myself, to move forward into action, to raise my intention and commitment for what I want, and to stay on my life's purpose. I started to set down the roots of my USANA business again that took hold, and allowed me to quadruple my income and jump up in pin levels directly due to the principles Ilearned through the Klemmer workshops. The two greatestrecommendations I could make to anyonewanting to make a realdifference in their lifeare getting invloved with USANA and Klemmer." - Ladd McNamara, M.D., Emerald Director, San Diego, California
The Champions Workshop is a "taster" for the Personal Mastery Seminar Weekend being held approximately one month after this Super Saturday, which will will soon beposted on the Klemmer & Associates website: www.klemmer.com
Special Low Pricingfor this Super Saturday:
All tickets:$15.00in Advance; $25.00 at the Door.
(Guests of USANA Associates are Free)
All sales non-refundable.Fee is the samefor half orthe full day.
Registration Begins at 8:00 AM
USANA Morning Hours: 9:00to 11:40AM
Champions Workshop at 1:00 PM
Dr. McNamara Speaks Again at 3:45PM
Register OnlineNOW for Best Savings!
Organized by USANA San Diego LeadershipUSANA San Diego Leadership Committee is hosting this special event; a combination of presentations from USANA Independent Associates and Klemmer & Associates. USANA Health Sciences, Inc. manufactures and distributes high-quality nutritional supplements, a premium skin care line, andweight loss and management products, all for optimal health.
Main Contact: Terri Schiel 760-918-9194
Ticket Info: - USANA Associate, $15.99
- Guest of USANA Associate (not enrolled in USANA), Free
- Champions Workshop ONLY (This is the price for non-USANA associates, and if NOT a guest of a USANA associate.), $20.99
Official Website: http://usana-upcoming.eventbrite.com