346 Chestnut Street
Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335

It's with great pleasure that the Druids of Snow Water Grove, ADF would like to invite all folks of the community to join in celebration of Samhain on Sunday November 1st at 5pm.

This will be a Celtic style rite, and will honor the Ancestors and the Final Harvest of the year.
A time to say goodbye to this year, and welcome the coming in of a new spiritual year.

The ADF Rite will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Meadville in the Parish House Living Room located at:
346 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335, (Directions available from:http://www.uumeadville.org/directions.htm)

Pre-Ritual briefing will be at 5:00pm, and ritual to be held at 5:30pm.

Potluck to follow Rite, so please bring a dish to share (Kitchen space available, as this is an indoor event)

Donations welcomed, which helps us pay for rental space during the winter months for our open to the public rites. We will also be collecting used re-chargeable batteries for recycling.

If you have questions about the event please feel free to contact us at info@snowwatergrove.org, or by phone on 814 406 9794.

For those that like to plan ahead:
* Winter Solstice – Sunday December 20th 2009
* Imbolc – Sunday January 31st 2010
* Spring Equinox – Sunday March 21st 2010

Next Earth Based Religion Study Group:
* Friday November 13th 2009 @ 7pm

Bright Blessings,
Grey, Senior Druid of
Snow Water Grove, ADF

Official Website: http://www.snowwatergrove.org

Added by EriePAGuy on October 15, 2009

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