736 Mission St
San Francisco, California 94103

Many of today’s most compelling contemporary artists use salvaged or recycled material in their work. In this live mix of short and captivating talks, artists will share the excitement of creating art that is beautiful and sustainable. Speakers include:

• Stanford professor and Recology’s artist-in-residence Terry Berlier on the inspirations (and challenges) of sourcing materials from San Francisco’s dump
• Lisa Congdon on her A Collection a Day project
• Zen architect and furniture maker Paul Discoe on transforming salvaged wood into beautiful furniture
• Recology’s Deborah Munk on working with artists who focus on reuse and conservation
• Woodshop members Luke Bartels, Jeff Canham, Josh Duthie, and Danny Hess on their artisan collective

MORE INFO: www.thecjm.org, info@thecjm.org or call 415.655.7800.

ADMISSION: $15/general; $10/member

Added by jewishmuseumsf on April 27, 2012

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