Beginning and Intermediate Salsa Dancing - Open Footwork and Salsa "Shines" Workshop
Suitable for ALL - Only Minor Salsa Experience is required!
No Partner and LITTLE Experience is Necessary ...
Come out and learn some fun, and wild salsa dancing footwork. This entire workshop is suitable for all ages, and all skill levels (except those whom have never danced). It's fun open footwork that you dance without a partner ...
Learn fun, fancy and challening footwork and armwork patterns where there's NO partner necessary. Dance and practice your fundamental basic steps, timing and rhythm with these challenging and fun footwork patterns, during this TWO hour workshop.
This workshop, taught by Elena Gil, is two hours in length, form 7:30-9:30 on Monday, December 5th, and open to both Men and Women. After the workshop, the regular SalsaCrazy Mondays dance party will take place until 2am.
Come out and practice that open footwork, learn new shines, and prepare yourself for January 2012 Classes. Does it get any better?
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 26, 2011