REGISTER NOW to start your path on becoming a TOP SELLER and TOP-LEVEL PERFORMER! Strategic Sales Solutions presents the following unique series of training tracks designed for the Sales and Marketing Professionals. Each track will be held at Capital One Bank including lunch from Ruth's Chris.
Track #1 Sales and/or Marketing Professional Track
- Capture the Room! How to Make Powerful Presentations with Impact that Result in Action (Friday, September 17th)
The hard work has been done to get in front of a potential client and your presentation fails to entice your customer or simply flops! Can you relate? This workshop will show how to turn your presentation into a compelling story for people to buy. Participants will leave with specific ways to make a presentation come alive while focusing on your prospect.
- Attention All Shoppers! How to Get the Word Out About Your Organization (Friday, October 1st)
So youve developed a terrific product that you know will beat the competition cold. Youve hired great sales professionals, and nailed down your pricing. Now you need to let the world know about the exciting product your company is offering! Its time to rev up your marketing machine, and that means dedicating time, money and energy to the cause. All of you who dread cold calling, keep in mind that the more effort you put into effective marketing, the less time youll have to put in to cold calls. And, which marketing moves are the most effective ones? This workshop will answer this question and many more.
- Break the Ice! How to Warm Up and Make Your Cold Calls (Friday, October 22nd)
In todays world of selling you often hear that cold calls simply dont work. It is true! However, reaching out to new prospects is imperative to selling. If you cant get the appointment to have a face-to-face conversation about your product or service, youre not going to be successful. This workshop will focus on techniques that will ensure you never make a cold call. We will take the anxiety and dread out of calling by applying the proper, non-threatening techniques to engage prospects. We will discuss how to obtain necessary information before making a call, the actual steps to use and the numbers of calls necessary.
- Dont Leave Home Without Them! How to Identify, Develop and Use Sales Tools for Sales Success (Friday, November 5th)
A well-stocked took kit is like a well-stocked refrigeratorthere is something for everyones taste! In todays competitive market, its important to be able to respond to a prospective customer quickly. The most effective way to accomplish this is to have all the tools you need at your fingertips. Participants will receive samples of the many tools and templates we discuss at the workshop.
Track #2 Non-Sales Professional Track
- Its Just a Conversation! Sales for the Non-Sales Professional (Friday, September 24th)
The world of sales has dramatically changed from the days of old. Business has changed and to make things worse, the cost of doing business is at an all-time high resulting in cutbacks on sales professionals. As a business professional, you are left with the daunting task of continuing with your current workload and expected to get involved in sales. You want to increase your organizations client base and land business but selling is not your first profession. What do you do? First, dont panic! Second, participate in this workshop, which will introduce the non-sales professional to the principles of consultative selling and assist you in mastering sales concepts and skills. Enhance your confidence by using your everyday communication skills and personality to win business!
- Ill Follow You Anywhere! How to Develop Raving Fans and Superior Customer Service (Friday, October 15th)
The greatest selling tool an organization can have is customers that are willing to tell the world how great your company is. These customers are referred to as "Raving Fans". It is not easy to make a raving fan out of a client, but is not impossible and the secret lies in your customer service process. If you are relying on your account managers alone to increase your customer satisfaction, then you may want to consider this workshop. Participants will come away with the steps necessary to develop and monitor a customer service plan. Let your customers become your greatest sales tool.
- Get More Bang for Your Buck at Your Next Sales Event (Friday, October 29th)
Whether you are exhibiting at a trade show, attending a conference, or a guest speaker at a professional event, you should use these occasions as a selling opportunity. Most organizations spend thousands of dollars attending and/or exhibiting at a sales event only to have nothing to show for it at the end of the year. Therefore, they never attend or show again. This workshop will show you the tricks of the trade in order to get the most return on your investment.
- Dont Leave Home Without Them! How to Identify, Develop and Use Sales Tools for Sales Success (Friday, November 5th)
A well-stocked took kit is like a well-stocked refrigeratorthere is something for everyones taste! In todays competitive market, its important to be able to respond to a prospective customer quickly. The most effective way to accomplish this is to have all the tools you need at your fingertips. Participants will receive samples of the many tools and templates we discuss at the workshop.
Added by hashim.vteams on September 30, 2010