Mark your calendar for Wednesday, August 11 for the most energetic and fun networking event of the year! It's SME Cleveland's 6th Annual Grand Slam Networking Event hosted by the
Cleveland Indians and sponsored by Medical Mutual, The Plain Dealer and
Join us as Donald Wayne McLeod founder of Listen Up presents networking skills that involve:
•Are people passing on your name or simply passing on your name, a subtle difference that makes a world of difference.
•Realize that you have 5 seconds to make a great first impression.
•Understand that names are the key to any relationship.
•Learn that before you can sell your products, services, concepts or ideas you must first sell yourself.
•Recognize that being truly interested in others will benefit you personally, professionally and financially.
Your Grand Slam networking ticket includes Power Networking which starts at 3:30, a club seat to that evening's Indians game, and of course, access to the Club Lounge, Progressive
Field's all-inclusive restaurant featuring pasta and carving stations, delicious pizza, hot dog and nacho bars, a deli and spectacular desserts and an Indians win over the Baltimore
Orioles. All non-alcoholic beverages are included as well.
Register online at or call 216-341-7632 for more information.
Cost is $50 per member and $70 for nonmembers. Join SME Cleveland July 1st through August 9th and receive admission to Grand Slam Networking for FREE!!!
Grand Slam Networking is sponsored by:
Added by marymargaretpostel on July 20, 2010