Once a year single women are invited to ask for what they want, and get it! Gentlemen are NOT allowed to say NO to a woman’s request to dance tonight. Adults of all ages welcome. $15/advance (by Nov 8) or $20/door includes dancing to your favorite hits. Dress to impress! Friday, November 9, 2012, 8pm-Midnight.
LOCATION: Handles at The Pleasanton Hotel, 855 Main Street, Downtown Pleasanton CA 94566. From Hwy 580 take Santa Rita Rd exit. Free parking.
SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the worlds largest non-profit singles organization.
DISCOUNT AND MORE SINGLES PARTIES at http://www.thepartyhotline.com.
SINGLES TRAVEL at http://www.singlestravelcompany.com.
FREE ADVICE FROM SINGLES EXPERTS at http://www.singlespodcastingnetwork.com.
Official Website: http://www.thepartyhotline.com
Added by richpartyhotline on October 18, 2012