1 LMU Drive
Los Angeles, California 90045

Part of the 16-day, 1,000 artist World Festival of Sacred Music, "Voices of the Way" features Three Performance Works Inspired by Writings of Brecht, Lao Tse, Padmasabhava and Gregory I.

“Voices of the Way” is an evening of multimedia performance works that honor three of the earth's great sacred traditions. Taoist, Buddhist and Christian texts become the basis of collaboration among three artists of distinctly varied training and cultural backgrounds. Paul Humphreys is an American composer and ethnomusicologist whose work is informed by his sustained engagement with diverse musical traditions from Native North America, Japan, China, West Africa, Eastern Europe and Indonesia. Sri Susilowati is a Javanese-American choreographer acclaimed for productions of traditional and boundary-crossing contemporary dance. Luis Proença is a documentary filmmaker who has done award-winning work in the diasporic Portuguese-speaking communities of Southern California, East Timor and his native Mozambique.

Perspectives and heritages thus combine in this event to yield a result that is both aesthetically unified and culturally wide-ranging. In enacting the spiritualities of Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity on one stage, “Voices” affirms the prospect of reconciliation among all faith traditions and cultures.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit

MEDIA: For media access, please contact Victoria Walsh, assistant director of communications and media, at 310.338.5133 or vwalsh@lmu.edu.

Official Website: http://www.festivalofsacredmusic.org

Added by lmunews1 on August 19, 2008

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