1498 Yonge St. 2nd Floor, Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Deep drilling is required to extract beautiful jewels. Similarly it takes a massive shake up to unveil our true nature. Join us for spiritual discussions and mantra meditation with Devamrita Swami who will stir, shake up and transform our view of the world.

Module 1: Environment Scan: ecology, war, relations
In today’s fast changing world, daily newspapers alert you about impending attacks. Environment, economy, country, relations, and family – everything is under attack. A sense of urgency grips our lives and at such times Yogic Vision helps us view the world around us in a different perspective. In this session we explore a perspective that presents scope for an alternate future of the world around us.

Module 2: Mantra Meditation - kirtan
Experience the power of mantra meditation and transcendent beats. Ancient eastern instruments and experts musicians and yogis take you on an inner journey through the power of sound.


Module 3: Internal Scan: food, mind, body, consciousness, be the change
Often there is a big gap between our lifestyle, possessions and the things that we really want. Our dreams are far from reality. Internal scan is about speaking and facing the truth about our mind, body and consciousness. Activism means to look ahead and act on it. In this session we embrace the activism principle to clearly define steps to achieve our life’s goals. As often said if you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change.

Module 4: Mantra Meditation – kirtan power
Save the best for the last. Taking mantra meditation - kirtan to another level. Get ready to clap your hands and tap your feet. Kirtan that will revive your spirits and make you smile.

Module 5: Dinner

Event Sponsered by Moksha Yoga.

 About Devamrita Swami
Devamrita Swami is a monk in the renounced order of life with profound spiritual practices that go back 35 years. He is an advisor on Spiritual Economics to the Russian chamber of commerce and the author of several books. This is his third annual tour of Toronto. In the past two years he has addressed over 1000 people on topics as diverse as yoga, vegetarianism, spiritual economics etc. Last year when visiting Toronto, he presented at York University, University of Toronto and several other yoga studios around downtown. Check out the past events.
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He was born 1950 in New York City. At the age of thirteen, he received a scholarship to prep school in the mountains of New Hampshire, where he studied until at seventeen, he received a scholarship to Yale University. In 1972, Devamrita Swami graduated from Yale University. At this time he came in contact with the ancient teachings of the east. He discovered that the knowledge presented in these books was the beginning of his real education. His attraction to this transcendental information was immediate and the effect profound. Ever since Devamrita Swami travels around the world constantly to fulfill invitations by prestigious universities and companies.

Currently based out of New Zealand, he is the author of several books like Searching for Vedic India, Perfect Escape, Beyond the barriers of limited science and Spiritual Greed. His strategic guidance has proved invaluable to students and professionals seeking to balance their spiritual and professional life. Main stops on his global circuit are Australia, New Zealand, the USA, South Africa, Russia, India, Argentina, Chile, the UK, Scandinavia, and Central Europe.

REGISTRATION: Event fee $20. To ensure a spot and avail pre-registeration prices RSVP online using credit card or paypal or mail a cheque payable to Ateet Agarwal, 30 Charles Street West, Suite 516, Toronto M4Y 1R5 ON.

Official Website: http://www.urbanedgeyoga.com

Added by shyamamohini on March 19, 2009

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