We know as a busy entrepreneur, any event you go to has to be on the leading edge of innovation, and bring immediate personal and business value.
You want an event that does three things:
1. Gives you a "once in a lifetime" experience with people and speakers you probably wouldn't meet otherwise;
2. Deliberately connects you to your next customer, next collaborative partner, or next key hire;
3. Inspires you with new ideas to think outside of your box to grow your business bigger, better, faster.
Do all this and more during Global Entrepreneurship Week in Sacramento, CA Nov. 16-20. Buy Tickets and learn more at http://SacGEW.com
Speakers include:
Tom Kandris (PackageOne, Inc.), Bert Gervais (The Place Finder), Rob Nicholson (The Nicholson Center)
Chris Schuring (Ternion Bio Industries), Ingrid Rosten (SARTA CleanStart), Phil Tretheway, (Marketing by Design)
Sharon Gerber (Six Degreez, Inc.), Griselda
Barajas-Keolani (Griselda's Ventures), Patricia Hudak (Real World 101), Kathy McKim (AT&T)
Chip Conley, Founder of the Joie de Vivre Hotels
Laurie Pederson (Nehst Studios), Beth Jones (Jay Jay Gallery),
William Bronston, M.D (Tower of Youth)
Week Pass Bonus: First 40 SacGEW's Week Passes sold include 2 tickets to the Kings vs Heat game on 12/6!
Official Website: http://www.sacgew.com
Added by FullCalendar on October 29, 2009