The SaaS Executive Group is an elite group of peers who all have one thing in common: they live, eat and breathe SaaS! Participants include entrepreneurs and companies who have existing and profitable sites; entrepreneurs and companies who have live prototypes and who are now rebuilding and capitalizing on their proof of concepts; and entrepreneurs and companies who are on the brink of going live for the first time. Some are B2C, some are B2B, and some are both.
This meeting follows the first hugely successful event on February 16 where CEO's and executives from a broad range of SaaS focused businesses met for the first time and exchanged stories and experiences. The conversation was lively and productive for all involved and everyone expressed the enormous value of being able to bounce ideas and strategies off one another. The businesses participating in the February meeting included: About My Baby, AppFolio, ASP Global, Gold Zeppelin, Leads360, LegalShore, Lofton Publishing, Mortgage Advisor Pro, On Demand IQ, Social Dragon, Transcepta, Valutech and Virtual Salons.
We welcome your input about discussion topics and/or what you would like to gain from this event. Our aim is to be somewhat structured, yet flexible and above all to give everyone the opportunity to introduce themselves to the group.
The agenda will be as follows:
8:00 am - 8:30 am Sign in and pre-meeting networking.
8:30 am - 9:00 am Roundtable discussion.
9:00 am - 9:50 am Each participant will have the ability to share thoughts, observations, or ask key questions to other members. Time for each person will be limited to the number of attending participants.
9:50 am - 10:00 am Wrap up, announcements and preparation for next meeting.
Register online at
About OnDemand Solutions, inc.:
Wherever you are in the online business process, OnDemand Solutions provides programs and methodologies that will rapidly take OnDemand and "Software as a Service" (SaaS) businesses from concept, to development, to market, and beyond.
We are a business and technical resource for SaaS and Ondemand companies.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on May 6, 2007