This is a moderated forum where executives of traditional software companies (Vice President and above) will come together to discuss their thoughts about the opportunities and challenges of migrating their software and business model to SaaS. Our executive roundtable format shuns panels, talking heads and sales pitches; it is a solid 90 minutes of peer-to-peer information exchange and debate for qualified applicants only.
The SaaS model is intricate and delivers a compelling set of benefits such as a recurring and predicable revenue stream, reduced and predictable costs, new marketing options, the ability to develop more and faster and to stay ahead of the competition. However, building a successful and profitable SaaS business involves much more than just technology. There is a broad spectrum of business and marketing elements that also need to be considered and determining how you operate, market, sell and support your SaaS business is critical. Very few SaaS applications and businesses are purely SaaS from both a technology and business perspective.
The moderator for the SaaS Executive Roundtable is Mike Jalonen; CEO and Co-founder of OnDemand Solutions (ODS). ODS is a leading business, marketing, and technical resource for SaaS and OnDemand businesses. Mike himself is a self described 'serial entrepreneur' and has successfully built and managed three software companies before moving on to his most recent venture.
To register or learn more, please visit us online at or call us at 841-7274 x701
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Added by FullCalendar on August 21, 2007