4106 Stringfellow Road
St James City, Florida 33956

The Sons of the American Legion are hosting another "Sock Hop" at the American Legion Post 136 in St James City Florida. This event is open to the public and in the past, this event draws a large crowd of people that come to listen and dance to the music of the 50's and 60's. Some people come dressed as the 50's but all come to enjoy the music. The music is by the Extrordinaires, a local group of singers that will provide 3 hours of almost non-stop entertainment with the old songs we remember! The event is open to the public and you can get in the door for free but a $10 ticket gets you food with a Root Beer Float and a table seat reservation if you get the ticket early! Food service is from 5:00 PM to 7:00PM The Music Starts at 6:30 PM. For tickets call Jack Frost at 239-283-1813 or Post 136 at 239-283-4434

Added by Tom Gauthier on February 24, 2011

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