s clay wilson benefit --- 14 acts --- details inside
JAN 11 SUNDAY early to late BIG benefit for S. Clay Wilson @ HEMLOCKTAVERN--- 14 acts -- CLIC
S. CLAY WILSON benefit
1131 Polk Street, in between Post & Sutter
San Fanciscro
6PM->11:30pm $7 - 20 sliding scale ... . 14 acts , can't lose
ask for new greedmink ltd. 15, a bonus for fans of aehfp23fd cpa98pg1212
14 wonderful experimental projects to delight your ears and tickle your fandang :::
1st in line at 6: 25-6:40
Terror Apart www...???...
Slusser http://www.last.fm/music/David+Slusser
Bullshit Detector http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XlUipDb7iw/watch?v=7XlUipDb7iw
Amphibious Gestures http://www.myspace.com/amphibiousgestures
fognozzle http://fognozzle.net/
Arachnid Arcade [9pm ish?] http://www.myspace.com/arachnidarcade
Hora Flora http://www.myspace.com/horaflora
Head Boggle Jomo Jam Blues Benefit http://www.virb.com/headboggle
Tony Dryer / Jacob Felix Heule acoustic duo http://www.heule.us/basshaters/
Heartworm http://www.myspace.com/heartworm23
Loachfillet [10: 40 ish?] http://wormperil.blogspot.com/
Skullcaster http://www.myspace.com/skullcaster
Liz Allbee http://www.lizallbee.net/and Agnes Szelag http://www.aggiflex.com/
Anvil Encephalopathy [ Headlines] new bran ... pos project shhh
check out the man, now in recovery:
here is an amazing drawing by S Clay Wilson
the above is an S. Clay Wilson drawing masterpace. the gentle curator of this show doth say that Mr. Wilson is currently recovering in the hospital from a bad fall off a short insurance but is recovering in good spirit. this benefit is to help him defray hospital costs. thank you . - psa
Official Website: http://www.hemlocktavern.com/prog_guide.php?adate_id=2009-01-11
Added by Headboggle on January 2, 2009