461 Valencia Street
San Francisco, California 94103

April 14 to May 20, 2012 at ArtZone 461 Gallery

Ryan M. Reynolds: CONTINUUM

Ryan Michael Reynolds' recent time-themed paintings are the focus of his first solo exhibition at ArtZone 461 Gallery aptly titled Continuum. This body of work demonstrates his interest in portraying the passage of time in a way that literally pushes the visual boundaries of previous painters concerning the same topic. Though confined to the picture plane, Reynolds manages to visually "push out" the edges of the scene by permitting the surface to show through. In doing so he creates an expansive space and invites the viewer to imagine future observations within the continuum.

Reynolds paints the same location over the course of many days: these works record a balance of contrasting conditions invisible to our momentary perceptions of place. Variations in lighting, mood and perspective are incorporated as an aggregate into a single time-encapsulated painting. Reynolds' current observations portray the Lexington Reservoir created in 1952 by construction of the Leniham Dam that submerged the remains of two towns: Alma and Lexington. When the Reservoir's level is low, portions of the towns are again visible and Reynolds includes remembrances and images of them layered within these works.

A California native, Reynolds is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Art History at Santa Clara University where he has lectured since 2005. He received his B.A. in Art at the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1997 and his M.F.A. in Art Practice at the University of California, Berkeley in 2003. Reynolds' works were recently featured in a two-person show at the Bakersfield Museum of Art and in a faculty group show at the Triton Museum in Santa Clara. He recently received a public art commission from the Alameda County Arts Commission for Highland Hospital's Acute Tower Replacement project. ArtZone 461 Gallery is pleased to present his first major show in San Francisco.

Reception for the Artist: 5-8 pm Saturday, April 14

ArtZone 461 Gallery
461 Valencia Street (btwn 15th & 16th Streets)
San Francisco, CA 94103


Official Website: http://artzone461.com/exhibitions/1204-reynolds-p.html

Added by ArtZone 461 Gallery on March 29, 2012

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