In the summer of 2003, when Garrison Keillor, out on a book tour, first heard Ruth and Max Bloomquist perform in the small Michigan town of Fremont he asked Ruth, “Don’t you like microphones?” Ruth replied, “One wasn’t offered.” Keillor shot back, “You’ve got a big voice, you’ve got a really big voice!” Later that same evening Ruth and Max performed the Scott Wiseman classic, Remember Me (When the Candle Lights Are Gleaming) and Mr. Keillor said, “I’d like to sing that song with you.” And he did, the very next night to a sold out house in the 1800 seat Frauenthal Theater in Muskegon, Michigan. Of course, it was Garrison Keillor who sold out that big house, but now, whenever Ruth and Max play in their long-time stomping grounds, people frequently ask them, “Remember when you played the Frauenthal with Garrison Keillor? Ruth & Max Bloomquist’s acoustic Americana is the stuff of rustic romantic dreams. Ruth’s songwriting and rich alto voice combined with their blend of harmony, guitar and upright bass draw the listener straight to the heart of every song. Find out more at
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Added by Dan Sculptor on August 4, 2009