1337-1339 Grant Avenue
San Francisco, California 94133

The Legend of Russian Blues, Internationally acclaimed Musician Virtuoso - Yuri Naumov.

Yuri's unique bland of music style, rhythm, and lyrics leave you with desire to hear it again and again. According to the American Music Magazine "Guitar World " the music of Naumov stands out because of its full sound; as if there are three guitars playing instead of one. This modern Nikkelen Nelis has the speed of a Spanish flamenco, the rhythm of West-European rock music and the melodrama of the Russian folk music.
No words can convey Naumov's unique blend of pure delight, raw power, naked emotions, triumph, horror (at the most apocalyptical moments), the sense of reaching the limit and going beyond. Naumov and his nine-string guitar are one and the same entity. Next to guitar, his instrument also functions as bass-guitar and percussion. He caresses, strikes and tickles his guitar in order to tempt his beloved to release the prettiest melodies. You watch his fingers and hands on his guitar and suddenly notice that he seems to be playing also with the side of his hand on the strings! It's like playing three guitars at once, yet his fingers glide over the strings & frets with such incredible ease and dexterity. This is virtuosity - as he lives and breathes.
Naumov is originally from Novosibirsk, Siberia. The tapes of The Beatles and Led Zeppelin, which were smuggled in from the west made an indelible impression on the then 8 year old kid. And in the eighties he indeed did become one of the most famous rock stars of the former Soviet Union. In his underground period he was forced to continue on his own, which inspired him to try to use his 9-string acoustic guitar to replace the rest of the band without losing the essence of the music.

Within the genre Naumov is actually the only representative. "In Russia the blues is in the air. My artistic task is to wring it out of the air and to translate it into music", says Yuri Naumov.


Official Website: http://www.mesart.com/yurinaumov

Added by FullCalendar on February 1, 2007

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