1881 Ygnacio Valley Road @ Heather Park Farms
Walnut Creek, California

Running Workshop: How to Run Farther, Faster, Without Injury With ChiRunning
• Injury-free running for the rest of your life!
• Increase your running speed while reducing effort!
• Finish running a pain-free marathon and look forward to running again!

If you want to improve your running, start running, are tired of being injured or want to avoid injury - this workshop is for you.
**Note** Pre-registration required. Workshop size limited for personal attention. For more info contact Hazel Wood at 415-342-7093 or email hazel@stridebystride.com

Learn the ChiRunning technique and see how to:
- Use core strength for energy and power
- Use posture and gravity to increase performance and speed
- Reduce pounding and pain
- Reduce dependence on leg muscles
- Efficient breathing technique
- Run hills safely and effectively
**Bonus** Workshop includes free video gait analysis. This alone is a $100 plus value.

The class is taught by Hazel Wood, a Certified ChiRunning Instructor who has been teaching the technique since 2003. Hazel runs all distances from 5K to 50 miles and is equally at home on trails and on roads. She has taught over a thousand runners how to improve their form.

What people are saying:

I’ve tried running off and on throughout my life and I could never seem to find that “zone” that serious runners refer to. After taking the ChiRunning classes, I quickly realized my inability to find that “zone” was primarily due to the “way” I was running. By the end of the classes, I was running up and down hills with more ease than I ever imagined, and I was on a “high”. Patti L

“My professional running career was hampered with injury, forcing me to withdraw from the Sydney Olympics in 2000. Then I discovered ChiRunning and it changed my life. Though I am no longer a professional runner, I run between 8-12 miles every day, and get much more satisfaction from running now than I ever did from competing.”
- Catherina McKiernan, World Cross Country Championship medalist, winner of Berlin, London and Amsterdam Marathons.
Note – Catherina is now a ChiRunning Instructor in Ireland.

Added by Hazel Wood on February 15, 2010

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