2502 Peach Street
Erie, Pennsylvania 16501

Come join the mutant crafters of the Craft Time Continuum for a day filled with musical mischief & crafty mayhem. Join us for Running With Scissors- a DIY Craft Fair & Music event on Saturday, December 12th at Forward Hall,
2502 Peach St, Erie PA from 1 pm to 9pm. Feed your brain with live craft
demonstrations, including blacksmithing, woodturning, silversmithing & bookbinding. Feast your ears on the sonic stylings of of great original local bands like Deadhorse, Cold PIzza & Local faves Deisel Houdini. Feast your eyes on a wide range of unusual hand-made crafts from upcycled materials to hand-wrought fine crafts. Treat yourself to some of the local area's best Tribal Bellydance talent, including Lake Erie Bellydance featuring Carla Fleming & the lovely & beautiful Vikki & Jessica. All this fun for a pittance- admission is a mere $3. Want a break from the Peach Street insanity? Looking for something truly different to give this year?
Tired of finding the same cutesy stuff at all the other craft shows?
Craving a real rock & roll holiday? We're the place to be!

For more information, contact Sharon Smith at either smithing_chick@yahoo.com or 814-450-4636. Crafters! We still have some table space available.

Find us on MySpace at myspace.com/craftingdoom or on Facebook under Running With Scissor Event

Official Website: http://myspace.com/craftingdoom

Added by debkas on November 30, 2009

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