Directions provided upon registration or contact organizer
Berkeley, California 94611

Get the keys to effortless, injury-free running with the ChiRunning technique. This class will teach you how to take the pounding, effort and fatigue out of running. ChiRunning helps you focus on form and body sensing for greater ease, performance and injury prevention.

Class Format: The ChiRunning Essentials workshop includes four hours of instruction in a single 1/2 day course and is appropriate for runners of all abilities. The Instructor will be guiding you through many exercises and drills designed to leave you with a clear sense of what the ChiRunning technique feels like in your body. We won't be doing a lot of running. The focus will be on building a solid base of knowledge that you will carry forward in your running program. You will get lots of personal attention and enjoy a rich learning experience packed with good information to help you run injury-free for the rest of your life.

You will learn the tools and techniques to avoid becoming one of the 65% of runners that get injured every year.

You will learn these ChiRunning Basics:
* The Keys to Effortless, Injury-free Running
* ChiRunning(R) versus Power Running
* Introduction to the ChiRunning(R) Form
* Posture & Alignment, engage the core, relax the peripheral muscles
* The lean, engaging gravity
* Lower Body Skills, leg swing, foot strike
* Upper Body Skills, arm swing
* Begin to Run, Basic focuses
* Gears, Stride length
* Injury prevention techniques, Personal Check-in tricks and tools
* Innovative techniques drills, core strength exercises, breathing practice
* Bonus!! Video Taping & Running Analysis

Each participant will receive handouts of the material covered in class.

The Instructor: The class is taught by Hazel Wood, a Certified Running Instructor who has been teaching the technique since November 2003. Hazel has an extensive running background and runs all distances from 5K to 50 miles.

Official Website:

Added by FullCalendar on April 12, 2010