219 W 19th St
New York, New York 10011

Rude Mechs presents 'Dionysus in 69,' The Performance Group's radical 1968 re-imagining of 'The Bacchae.' The company remounts this piece as faithfully as possible to Richard Schechner's original staging using Brian de Palma's film and the 1970 book, 'Dionysus in 69,' as primary sources. The Rude Mechs production is the first-ever remounting of this legendary work, and it finally returns to New York City 44 years after its premiere. The Performance Group's 'Dionysus in 69' was the first-of-its-kind environmental theater production performed at the Performing Garage, featuring an extraordinary combination of groundbreaking milestones including audience interaction and full-frontal nudity of both women and men.

Added by Upcoming Robot on October 17, 2012