Ruby on Rails beginners club.
Prerequisite: you should have at least started trying to write a Rails application.
It doesn’t matter how far you’ve got with it – you may only be halfway through the first page of a tutorial and are stuck trying to install something – but this approach should give everyone a context for being there.
In other words: rather than trying to learn together from different starting points, we can each bring a problem that we need help with and collaborate on concrete goals.
I've started a blog - built on Rails with very limited knowledge - that we can possibly use as a project. It's currently very low on features, and breaks in a couple of places, so it might be a starting point for some.
Venue is yet to be confirmed, but will be in central Birmingham.
Official Website: http://localhost:3000/posts/9-june-meet
Added by Citizensheep on April 22, 2010