On July 21, Steve Hayes will be running the Ruby on Rails workshop at Northcote Town Hall.
Steve is putting together a single day introduction to Ruby on Rails, based on his experience writing applications for a number of different customers, from the perspective of both a programmer and a project manager. This will be the first time that the Ruby On Rails workshop has been made available. As usual, we'll be auctioning ten places in the workshop in line with our pricing policy and the workshop will run from 9:30am to 5pm, and once again laptops will be required!
You can bid for a place by email; bidding closes at 4pm July 13 (this is a slight change to previous workshops).
Official Website: http://wiki.cogentconsulting.com.au/confluence/display/PUB/Ruby+On+Rails%2C+July+21%2C+2007;jsessionid=9DB6CFA295B21B6E5A1A0637F2D5A969
Added by dkregor on June 21, 2007