215 First Ave
Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts

Matt Knox will be teaching a 1-day deep dive into Ruby on Rails.

It will take people from `rails myapp` up to scaleable, relatively functional app in about 4 hours.

Topics include:

* Heroku
* Plugins/gems that Matt finds useful
* memcached
* Javascript tricks
* Amazon Web Services

Obvious, everything one might want to know can't be taught in such a short time, but hopefully this will expose you to a lot of interesting topics.

Sermo (http://sermo.com) will be hosting and catering this event.

What you should bring:
* A laptop with rails and your editor of choice installed
* Your desire to code up a storm

What you'll leave with:
* A full belly
* Knowledge
* A working app, deployed on EC2

Please RSVP to matthewknox@gmail.com so we can get an accurate headcount for food and whatnot.

Official Website: http://groups.google.com/group/boston-rubygroup/browse_thread/thread/26307f2043df2f50

Added by technicalpickles on May 21, 2008

Interested 1