7727 Memphis Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44144

The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) has scheduled five public hearings to discuss a proposed fuel surcharge and service reductions.

The fuel surcharge would increase fares.

Specifics on proposed fare increases and service cuts.

If those measures are approved by the Board of Trustees, they would take effect in October.

Because of greatly reduced state funding and rising fuel prices, RTA projects a $20 million deficit in 2009, if no changes are made.

Hearing Schedule:

* Monday, Aug. 4, 2008, 6:00 pm
Don Umerley Civic Center Memorial Hall, 21016 Hilliard Road, Rocky River

* Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2008, 12:00pm
Cleveland Public Library Auditorium, 325 Superior Ave. NE

* Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2008, 6:00 pm
Cleveland City Hall Room 220, 601 E Lakeside Ave

* Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2008, 6:00 pm
Cleveland Heights Community Center, One Monticello Blvd. at Mayfield Road

* Thursday, Aug. 7, 2008 6:00 pm
Brooklyn Senior Community Center, 7727 Memphis Ave.

All sites are served by public transit and are accessible. Interpretive services for hearing-impaired persons will be available.

If you cannot attend a hearing, you can send comments by Aug. 18, 2008 to:


RTA Marketing and Communications Department
1240 West Sixth Street
Cleveland, OH 44113

or call: 216-781-4299

Official Website: http://www.riderta.com/hearings/

Added by jeffschuler on July 31, 2008



If I could go I would but I'll still be out of town for all the public meetings. But I will be sending my comments to public-comment@grcta.org


I wish there was a meeting closer to where I live, but there is not. I do object strongly to cutting the circulators out entirely, and changing the schedules for the 76x. If these are cut, there will be no way to get to the grocery stores and any stores for that matter, as I do not have a car. But RTA would rather you buy a car and drive, because if this price goes up again so soon, you would be better off driving. I believe that the board should ride on these buses when people don't know there riding and see for themselfs how poor the service can be on most buses. They don't deserve to change the prices, maybe they shouldn't have bought the new buses for $8000.000.00 a piece, and instead fix the buses they do have.