Learn about the changing Real Estate market and technologies that are here now ( Google Base, CraigsList and Zillow )!
Meet potential home buyers and sellers. Thinking about buying or selling your home? You are welcome to come to! Interact with a plethora of Real Estate Professionals in a great relaxed Yaletown Restaurant.
The folks from Ubertor.com will at the door to great you! Nervous or shy? Don't worry, we will introduce you to the group.
What else should I expect? How do I participate? You are expected to participate in some fashion, so come ready to share the things you've been working on or that get you excited. Do note that this is an NDA-free zone, so if you can't talk about it, don't bring it up.
RSVP Here - http://realestateagent.meetup.com/109/calendar/5456548/
Past Meetup Photos - http://realestateagent.meetup.com/109/photos/
Official Website: http://realestateagent.meetup.com/109/
Added by jagger on February 11, 2007