We’re excited to have Charlie Davidson and Eric Hayes from Attensa joining us to discuss the world of RSS, Feeds, and Attention, a concept becoming more important to many of us as we attempt to filter out the information overload so prevalent for web innovators. This talk will be coming on the heels of the Defrag Conference (http://defragcon.com/) too, so there should be lots of great new ideas to discuss.
Jive Software has graciously signed up to host us and will be providing pizza. Thanks Dawn!
Official Website: http://www.pdxwi.com/
Added by ryanw on October 25, 2007
This sounds like a lot of fun! Count me in!
Argh! Dinner plans that night, but I'm excited to see what Attensa is up to. I'm hoping someone posts a follow up somewhere ...
If someone reminds me (and Attensa doesn't object), I'll set up a video camera.
I posted a brief overview for those who could not attend:
I hope those who *did* attend will fill in the gaps.
anyone else from pdx web innovators going to Defrag? I'll be there.