Prior Years Partygoers Comments:
Your entire RSAparties crew felt that the food has been improving over the last two years. Still, fine dining it is not. Free beer and wine.
Don't forget to use your time at the Welcome Reception to pick up invites for additional parties at the booths listed in this Yahoo Upcoming group!
Everybody with a full conference badge and all the booth staff.
A large exhibit hall in a huge convention center.
You need a Delegate, Delegate Plus 1- & 2-Day Tutorials, Expo Plus and Innovation Sandbox Registrants or an "Exhibitor" badge to make it in. No "Exhbit Only" badges.
* Please forward any RSA party invites that you receive to "". The identities of our contributors are kept strictly confidential.
* Check this Yahoo Upcoming group frequently as parties are added throughout the RSA conference:
* Follow "RSAparties" on Twitter to obtain up-to-the-minute updates of RSA Parties in progress.
Official Website:
Added by RSA Parties on February 20, 2010