"What’s the connection between the nun who invented disco, and the effect of file sharing? How does hip-hop manage to be an underground movement and a hugely commercial business - at the same time? And how are pirates, of the kind who started commercial radio in the twentieth century, changing society in the 21st?
The Pirate’s Dilemma tells the stories of youth culture, uncovering what it is that transforms underground scenes into global industries. Successful entrepreneur, Matt Mason, argues that from youth culture, out on the edges of the mainstream, come the ideas that ultimately change the mainstream itself – whether it’s graffiti, piracy, hacking, open source culture or remixing. In the course of doing so he unravels some of our most basic assumptions about business and society and pinpoints trends to look out for in our future."
Official Website: http://www.thersa.org/events/detail.asp?EventID=2540
Added by nico_macdonald on April 23, 2008