Prior Years Partygoers Comments:
The 2007 Codebreakers Bash was nothing but first class: excellent food, well-mixed drinks, cover band that can carry a tune. The best RSA gala in years.
We'll all be there. Please dress up a bit. Wearing "business casual" will make you look unsophisticated. Boothwear will make you look stupid.
We hate to admit this, but for a hotel venue the Marriott wasn't bad. Not one of the classy exotic venues of the past, but it...worked. By saving on the venue, the party was able to offer better food, stronger drinks, and more party favors for you to take home.
You must be a Delegate, Delegate Plus, or 1-2-Day Tutorials Registrant. Your badge will get you in.
Added by RSA Parties on April 14, 2009