Prior Years Partygoers Comments:
The 2009 Codebreakers' Bash did not leave us quite as impressed as the year before, largely because the visually nerdy 2008 cover band was musically spectacular.
That said, the food was fantastic and drinks were plentiful over the last two years. As was the assorted other entertainment. Kudos to Sandra and her team!
We'll all be there. Please dress up a bit. Wearing "business casual" will make you look unsophisticated. Boothwear will make you look stupid. Whatever you do, at least try to clean up a bit in your hotel room before going to this event.
San Francisco City Hall is a grand building and we enjoyed the RSA gala held there quite a few years back. We are apprehensive about the potential impact on food quality that may come from moving away from a hotel kitchen that spoiled us at the Marriott in 2008 and 2009. We'll see how it turns out. Be safe: bring earplugs if you plan to dance!
You must be a Delegate, Delegate Plus, or 1-2-Day Tutorials Registrant. Your badge will get you in. Alternatively, somebody with those passes can buy you a Codebreakers' Bash ticket on the RSA Conference site.
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Added by RSA Parties on February 20, 2010