Learn about the most important savings vehicle since the introduction of the RRSP. TFSA is more than just a savings account, you put your money in, then get your money and growth out-free of federal tax, it is that simple.
Seminar Host: Mary Ann J. Lara, CIM,FCSI,CGA,CFP
To be held on February 7, 2009 starts at 10:30 am at the North York Memorial Community Hall-Burgundy Room, 5110 Yonge Street, Concourse Level-North York Library.
Light lunch will be served.
Call 416-292-7518 ext 619 or write to igseminars83@gmail.com for reservation
Official Website: http://www.investorsgroup.com/consult/maryann.lara/english/default.htm
Added by laramaryann on December 19, 2008