32 Deptford Church St, Deptford
London, England SE8 4RZ


"And I'm really not the girl I play. I wish I were. She's much happier than I am...

Once a man explained to me why I'm more successful in those flapper parts than anybody else. Because all the time the flapper is laughing and dancing, there's a feeling of tragedy underneath. She's kind of unhappy and disillusioned all the time. That's what people sense. They can't analyze it, but it's what makes her different from those other girls."

In collaboration with The Lab Theatre Collective

Rough Curves is a multi - disciplinary piece based on the life of 20's 'It' girl Clara Bow. Using a hypnotic mix of film, music and live performance, The Lab Theatre Collective & Little Bird Theatre produces a darkly evocative mixed-media performance.

Added by labtheatre on May 26, 2008