1230 boul. st. laurent
Montréal, Québec

The Dead Dolls Cabaret presents the Rotting Flesh Revue.
Proudly bringing Montreal's entertainment scene to new lows!
Burlesque! Zombie girls! More talent than you can shake yer tats at! Massimo is the host with the most!Magic Acts! hula hoop girl! Drag kings that sing!Nonsense!
Eyeballs! Shimmies and shakes!

cafe cleopatra
1230 boul st. laurent
doors open 8pm
showtime 9pm

Tickets on sale at
Pop Shop- 4081 boul. st.laurent
Joy Toyz -4200 boul.st.laurent suite 418
$10 per person



Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/deaddolldancers

Added by Danzin on September 25, 2007

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