2266 California St
San Francisco, California 94115

Rosh Hashanah Services will be held in Congregation Sherith Israel's Sanctuary at 2266 California Street in San Francisco. Youth services will be held in Newman Hall at the same address. We have two different worship styles: contemporary and classical reform. Call Roxanna Walker at 415-346-1720 for details, or e-mail rwalker@sherithisrael.org.

Contemporary services
Our early services, both evening and morning, are creative, participatory and filled with ruach (spirit). Cantor Rita Glassman leads us in prayer and song, accompanied by our special High Holy Day band. Rabbi Larry Raphael and Rabbi Julie Saxe-Taller are apt to tell a story or two. We created a prayerbook just for this service. If you've attended our third-Friday Journey to Shabbat, you'll be familiar with our contemporary service.

Classical Reform services
Our later services, also evening and morning, follow the classical Reform tradition. They feature the magnificent European melodies of the early Reform era with Cantor Rita Glassman's voice soaring toward the dome. Other musical treats include a full choir - professionals combined with our Koleynu congregational choir - guest soloists and our world-class organist, Jonathan Dimmock, playing our historic Murray Harris organ. With its incredible acoustics, our sanctuary was designed with this music in mind.

Sliding scale.

Official Website: http://www.sherithisrael.org

Added by FullCalendar on September 15, 2009

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