ArtsEmerson: The World On Stage presents Rosencratz & Guildenstern Are Dead. Written and directed by Tom Stoppard and based in his absurdist play of the same name, the film follows two rather minor characters from Hamlet: the prince’s childhood friends Rosencrantz (played by the superb Gary Oldman) and Guildenstern (Tim Roth). As they attempt to find out what troubles Hamlet, the pair take up with a band of traveling players and follow the King’s orders, all the while contemplating the meaning of life. This brilliant, utterly original tragicomedy took home the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival and Oldman was nominated for Best Male Lead at the Independent Spirit Awards.
9/21 at 6p
9/29 at 6p
10/6 at 9p
Box office: 617-824-8400
Added by ArtsEmerson: The World On Stage on August 14, 2012