Rooney, the five-piece rock band hailing from Los Angeles, is coming to The Brickhouse Theater on Saturday, April 29, 2006. Opening the 8 P.M. show will be Everybody Else and Ember Coast. Rooneys music is reminiscent of artists spanning from the sixties to the present day. Although they have a distinctive style, their sound has been compared to everything from The Beatles to The Cars to Blur. Having toured the nation with acts such as Weezer and The Strokes, Rooney manages to capture elements from the past four decades and make them sound modern today. An L.A.-based trio named for a Kinks B-side, Everybody Else, owe much to the harmonies and economical songwriting of the sixties, but they draw just as much on more modern music. Everybody Else's song "Meat Market" will be featured on the new Fox show called The Loop, on April 20, 2006. Buy tickets now at
Event submitted by Eventful on behalf of LuvLive.
Added by LuvLive on March 28, 2006