Rondalla de Guadalupe Cultural Center Inc. and Northern California in partnership with Univision 19 and Telefutura 64 Present:
*** *** Rondallas XII Recital
Unique in the United States!
This year with us;
Rondalla Alma, Corazon y Vida de San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Rondalla Pátzcuaro in Michoacan, Mexico
Rondalla Todos Santos in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
Rondalla de Bellas Artes de Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
Rondalla de Guadalupe, Sacramento California, USA
Radisson Hotel gift shop (916) 833-1578
Pre sale $ 20.00
$ 30.00 Taquila
For more information call:
Francisco Mondragon (916) 202-3155
Roberto Soto (916) 470-7298
Juan Carlos Serrato (916) 290-2192
Added by frankmondra on March 9, 2011
Ray Martinez
That was my first time at a recital de rondallas. I really loved it and if the Lord is willing i'll go to every recital I can. All so I would like to get notice of future events any where. I would like to help promote and sell tickets for future events. Sincerely Ray Martinez