24th STreet Theatre brings Mexico’s Viaje Redondo Producciones to Los Angeles with the U.S. premiere of a captivating and poignant story about friendship that spans a lifetime. Seven-year-olds Emilia and Evangelina—born a few days apart in a small Mexican town–walk together to the train tracks with the child-like hope of boarding it and traveling to Rome. From that moment, their lives are forever tied together. The two return to the tracks five more times—at ages 13, 20, 40, 60 and 80—to share their dreams, worries and love stories. Performed in Spanish with English supertitles. (Best For Ages 12-Adult). Sept. 15-Oct. 7; 24th STreet Theatre, 1117 West 24th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007-1725; $12-$15; (213) 745-6516; www.24thstreet.org; Join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/24thSTor follow us on Twitter @24thST
Official Website: http://www.24thstreet.org
Added by Michele Hunter on August 27, 2012