High energy tribute to the Stones in their prime! Their resemblance to Mick Jagger and Keith Richards is uncanny. Beautiful restored award winning lake front Amphitheatre in a park setting. Bench,stadium,wheelchair seating.ADA compliant. Lawn chairs permitted in designated areas. All seating General Admission except ADA areas.Free parking,please carpool when possible. Full concert lighting and state-of-the-art-sound. Food available on site. Family friendly venue. No smoking,alcohol or coolers permitted. Bags checked. Meet and Greet performers after the show. Children age 10 and under are admitted FREE with a paid ticket holding Adult. Buy Adult or Senior tickets in advance on line,and receive a free food discount coupon to be used the night of the event. Visit http://www.jeffersonhighlightsconcerts.com
Ticket window opens at 6:00pm. Amphitheatre gates open at 7:00pm.
Official Website: http://goo.gl/yQGtD
Added by GetPromotd Services on May 23, 2012