3543 18th Street #8
San Francisco, California 94110

SF IndieFest and CORA Present

Every First Friday May-July

Fri May 3, 8p-12a

Women's Building Auditorium, 3543 18th St at Valencia

Costumes Encouraged!
Skate Rentals available or bring your own!

Skate rentals and groovy disco tunes courtesy of CORA, the California Outdoor Roller Sports Association.

21up, $10 - all proceeds benefit SF IndieFest and CORA, two local 501c3 non profit arts organizations.

IndieFest not responsible for alcohol influenced roller skating wipe outs!

Info: www.sfindie.com

Official Website: http://www.sfindie.com

Added by FullCalendar on April 17, 2013

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