620 19th Street
Lubbock, Texas

The West Texas Roller Dollz proudly present our last recruitment party and fundraiser of the year. Join the Roller Dollz at Bash’s for a night of fun, live music, silent auction and games. Music entertainment to be provided by 6901 and The Republic of Somar from 10:30pm-1:30am. Tickets available only at the door.

The Roller Dollz are currently recruiting skaters and referees so come and see what roller derby is all about!!! No experience necessary...

Location: Bash Riprock’s in the Depot District (620 19th St.). Doors open at 7pm, 21 years and up $5, 18-20 years $7.

Feel free to contact Mazzy Scar at lily.cordero@westtexasrollerdollz.com for more details.

Added by Mazzy Scar on September 25, 2010

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