119 Utah Street
San Francisco, California 94103

It was a classic story as old as time: college kids grow up online, decide that it'd be a great idea to throw a internet culture conference, and unleash sheer ridiculousness upon the world.

Back in April 2008, we put on ROFLCon 2008 -- the first internet culture conference devoted to discussing what makes memes work, why they work, and where its all going (and then throwing a big-ass rocking party with the internet celebs themselves). It was a kickass time.

We figured we'd keep doing this as long as it remains awesome (and it still is), so we're already hard at work scheming to put together internet culture events into next year. This will be the place for all the breaking news on how they're coming along.

Needless to say, these might be the most important gatherings since the fall of the tower of Babel.

Schedule as of 7/18:
5:30 PM — Introductions, then Andy Baio (Waxy.org) on “Star Wars Kid and the Cult of Unwilling Celebrity”

6:10 PM — Ben Huh (Founder, I Can Has Cheezburger), on “Microhumor and The State of the LOL”

6:50 — Sean O’Steen (Founder, Twitter Fail Whale Fan Club) on “Love and the Cetacean Nation”

7:30 — (one last unannounced talk)

8:00 - 10:00 — ROFLDrinks Open Bar!

10:00 — The Mighty transforms into a Dance Party. Rockage ensues.

Official Website: http://roflcon.org/

Added by junesix on July 18, 2008



Updated Schedule/Description of Events, Etc

Registration Is Also Now Totally Open!


sweet, I didn't realize this was in san francisco.


Hey, I'm speaking at this. Woo!


Gah, BE NOTED -- California Law is creating restrictions on admission. You need to be 21+ to get in, since it's being held at a bar.

Interested 191