With his unmistakable accent and his hilarious yet endearing delivery, Comedian Rocky Laporte is becoming more well-known by the day. His performance on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" brought him a standing ovation, and he's been featured on his own "Comedy Central Presents" special which is currently running on Comedy Central. Rocky's star has continued to rise - after Tim Allen saw Rocky perform on The Tonight Show he proclaimed Rocky his "favorite new comic" and cast him in his hit movie, "The Shaggy Dog". Rocky recently visited Iraq along with Drew Carey and the trip has been turned into a Showtime movie called "Patriot Act: a Jeffrey Ross Home Movie" which is currently running on Showtime. Rocky's performance will also be featured in "Godfathers of Comedy", which is slated for release later this year.
Official Website: http://www.improv.com
Added by derek_rudy on November 24, 2008